The Module 1 off-road test

Before you can book your Module 1 test you must have a valid CBT and Theory Test

At Access Rider Training we like to give you the best possible chance to pass your MOD1 test, you will have 2 days on the bike before your test and usually have had at least 5+ hrs of road riding as well as off road practice of the MOD1 manoeuvres.

Instead of taking your test having only ridden the bike briefly off road we believe this time riding on the road will give you the confidence to pass your test successfully.

The MOD 1 test is designed to ensure you have full control of a motorcycle before you can take the MOD 2 practical on road test. Whilst the test is ‘off-road’ you are expected to treat it as if you were on the public highway.

You’ll take the MOD 1 test in an off-road motorcycle manoeuvring area (MMA).

Shown below or available Here

The test normally takes about 20 minutes and includes:

  • wheeling the moped or motorcycle and using the stand
  • riding a slalom and figure of 8
  • a slow ride
  • a U-turn
  • cornering and a controlled stop
  • cornering and an emergency stop
  • cornering and hazard avoidance

For the hazard avoidance and emergency stop exercises you must ride at a minimum speed of:

  • 19 mph on a moped
  • 31 mph on a motorcycle

Your test result

You’ll be told if you’ve passed module 1 at the end of the test.

The examiner will make a note of:

  • dangerous faults – these involve actual danger to you, the examiner, the public or property
  • serious faults – these are potentially dangerous
  • riding faults – these are not potentially dangerous, but could become serious if you keep making the same mistake

You’ll pass Module 1 if you make:

  • no serious or dangerous faults (sometimes called ‘majors’)
  • no more than 5 riding faults (sometimes called ‘minors’)

If you pass

The examiner will:

  • tell you what faults you made, if any
  • give you a pass certificate – you need to take this to the MOD 2 test.

If you fail

If you fail your MOD 1 test then you will have to wait 3 working days before you can take the test again. Please bear in mind that your CBT and Theory test have varying life spans and they must all be valid for you to be able to take the test

Things to bring with you:

  • Your photocard UK driving licence.
  • Your CBT certificate.
  • Your Theory Test pass certificate
  • Suitable clothing for riding a motorcycle: hard-wearing jeans (not thin cotton trousers, tracksuit bottoms or leggings); sturdy footwear (not flimsy plimsolls or lightweight fashion shoes) – ideally which provide some ankle protection, such as work boots, strong walking boots or similar; glasses or contact lenses if needed.
  • Remember that you are going to be outside – so consider wearing layers if it is going to be cold.
  • You are welcome to bring your own riding gear, although we can provide jackets, helmets, gloves, waterproof trousers and hi-viz bibs

If you have any questions or wish to book a motorcycle training course please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Call: 07785 918765

Fill out the form below

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